Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 1...short update

Sorry this is so short, but I'm sleepy.

I hate my asthma. Though part of it is that I haven't been to the gym in a month now. I was sick...and then I had some major back pain...and then I was sick again. Like, hospital sick because I thought I had pneumonia. But I went back today and spent 20 minutes on the elliptical and did some stretching and situps and stuff. I know the days will slowly get easier....it's just that first hill I have to get back over first.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Beginning

I've spent a good portion of my life wishing I was quite a few different things. Many people might say the same thing, but I've actually "gotten over' most of that, but there is one thing I wish I was: thinner. Not obscenely thin or even just thin...thinner. I've been overweight for a long time and some might even argue obese. Now don't get me wrong, I've tried and failed at this before...but something is different about my resolve this time. I'm more determined and ready to never accept failure as an option. I was doing very well about going to the gym for a while and then I got pretty sick for about a month and wasn't able to go. The scary part will be that this gym is at my alma mater and I really don't like people to be around me when I exercise...and there will be now that school is about to start back up. I'd really like to ideally end up around a size 10-12 for now if nothing else. I don't care so much about the scale number...but I will likely use it as a reference point during this journey.

All I ask is that you please don't post degrading or negative comments. They WILL be deleted if they occur.

SW: 280 (pre vacation)
CW: ?? (Will update when I get to my house)
LTGW: between 160 to 180...we'll see when I get closer.